Syllabus Statement
The FAS Accessibility Statement should be included on all course syllabi.
Accommodation Guide
Learn more about common DAO accommodations and how to implement them.
Deadline & Attendance Adjustment
Guidelines and considerations on implementing course-specific deadline and attendance adjustment accommodations are detailed here.
Accessing Accommodation Requests
Faculty have access to the Accommodation Information Management (AIM) system to identify students with accommodations in their courses, download a spreadsheet of accommodations, and can give access to additional instructors.
Sensory Disabilities
Students who are Deaf, hard-of-hearing, blind, or visually impaired may need additional support and access in the classroom.
Audio Recording Accommodation
Read helpful information about audio recording and note-taking technology accommodations in the classroom.
FAS Pilot Testing Center
Faculty can opt into using the testing center to proctor midterm exams for students with testing accommodations.